Your FIRST Response to Alleged Child Maltreatment
Protecting children from child abuse and maltreatment requires that everyone understand how to recognize, respond, and report any form of maltreatment a child may experience. FIRST response is often the single most important step in effectively responding and reporting maltreatment.
FIRST will give you and your community the tools necessary to better protect kids. This half-day training goes beyond recognizing the types of maltreatment. Participants will learn the tools and practical skills to better communicate with a child during the initial outcry of maltreatment.
The FIRST process teaches three critical components:
How to recognize signs and symptoms of abuse and maltreatment.
How to listen and respond to a child’s needs.
How to report any form of maltreatment effectively and accurately to authorities.
Your FIRST Response to an Allegation of Child Maltreatment training teaches participants how to listen to children who have experienced maltreatment and how to gather the correct information needed in a way that puts the child’s needs FIRST.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the reality of child abuse.
Understand how to gather information utilizing the FIRST process.
Understand the responsibility of mandated reporting and information needed for reporting.
Who can apply?
The audience for this training will include anyone who interacts with children.
Registration will be on "first come, first served" basis. Registration will end when we reach the capacity allowances for each venue.
Northern NJ FIRST Training on July 1, 2024:
Morris County Public Safety Training Academy; 500 W. Hanover Ave; Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Registration closes: 3pm on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Southern NJ FIRST Training on August 23, 2024:
Camden County College - Blackwood Campus; 200 College Dr; Blackwood NJ 08012 (Connector Bdg 105)
Registration closes: 3pm on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
Finding Words / Child First NJ
FIRST Training - North
Monday, July 1st, 2024
Location: Morris County Public Safety Training Academy
Morris Plains, NJ
Finding Words / Child First NJ
FIRST Training - South
Friday, August 23rd, 2024
Location: Camden County College
Blackwood, NJ