Why Peer Review?
Consensus among researchers and frontline professionals indicates that supervision and feedback are necessary to maintain high-value interview practices. Peer Review is a training opportunity to make your interviews adhere to best practice standards that remain forensically defensible. Peer Review maintains interviewer consistency and fidelity to the protocol and minimizes interviewer drift.
What will the 3-hour Peer Review session include?
• Review of Recorded Standard Finding Words Forensic Interview OR
• Review of Recorded Tele-Forensic Interview
• Video-Conferencing Peer Review Sessions
• Empirical Research & Findings in Support of Forensic Interviewing
• Practical Experiences & Examples of Forensic Interviewing Best Practices
• Networking Opportunities with Peers in County Prosecutors’ Offices
• Certificate of Completion for CAC Accreditation
Who may attend?
Forensic Interviewers currently conducting interviews that have previously attended and graduated from the 40-hour Child First/Finding Words New Jersey Training program.
CHILD ADVOCACY CENTERS – In order to provide certification to CAC’s, part of the requirement is that their forensic interviewers participate in a peer review program twice a year. This training program would satisfy that requirement.
What are the requirements?
Participants must have a recorded forensic interview for review. Participants may to will be asked to share their screen over Zoom and can control the tape sequence from their own device. In the event that the participant experiences difficultes with sharing over Zoom, videos may also be sent via email or via a large file application like HighTail, Dropbox, etc. Videos may also be sent on a thumb drive to the Finding Words office, or to a local office of a Finding Words faculty member.
The video, shared for discussion, by the participant must meet the Session criteria as detailed below. Please adhere to the deadline for the requested session for confirmation.
Please limit all interviews to 30 minutes, if your tape is longer, select a specific 30-minute segment you would like to use PRIOR to the session.
(Format for 2024 has been changed. Please see the details below.)
Peer Review will take place on 1 date every month, unless otherwise stated. For each date, there are two sessions (9am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm). Each session will be targeting a specific area of forensic interviewing or the experience-level of the interviewer. This will include sessions dedicated to Spanish-speaking interviews. Participants for each session will be solely discussing the topic below and all videos shared must be in compliance.
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024; AM session for Spanish
Tuesday, October 15th, 2024; PM session for Blocks & Barriers
Thursday, November 14th, 2024; AM session for Rapport
Thursday, November 14th, 2024; PM session for Use of Diagram/Dolls
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024; AM session for Special Needs/Victims Under 5yo
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024; PM session for All Interviews
If a date from this list is marked in green, it is because that session is at capacity. Please email Finding Words NJ to request to be added as an alternate. Dates are subject to change depending on the number of available attendees.
The deadline to apply for each session is about 2-weeks prior to the date of the Peer Review. This provides ample time for us to receive and ensure your interview tapes follow the guidelines in terms of length. A reminder of the Peer Review dates will be sent in advance of each session.